Saturday, May 2, 2015

I wanna know what happen to Freddie Gray

Now I don't know but I been told

that we Americans got a right that we hold:

from unreasonable searches and seizures we are free,

'cause the 4th Amendment say that the way it should be.

Now we don't know what happen to Freddie Gray

but we know he didn't survive that day

when three cops from Baltimore PD

hauled him in on some charge that no one did see.

They said he had a switchblade that's illegal,

but State's attorney said he had a pocket knife, legal.

Without probable cause those cops hauled Freddie in,

but he didn't survive it; it seems like a sin.

Now I know its wrong that a riot later ensued

but that don't change the fact that Freddie was abused.

So I think it appropriate that somehow, some way:

the people of America need to know what happen to Freddie that day.

It was a medical examiner, you see,

who examined Freddie's fatal injury,

and called it not self-inflicted, but homicide.

So in a court of Law, the cops should be tried.

We need to know--it needs to be tried--

if Freddy's death was justified.

We need to know what happen to Freddie that day;

this can't be like Mike Brown's case where they never would say.

Glass half-Full

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