Sunday, February 27, 2022

Ukraine Breache


a poem recently written,

with appreciation and apology to Matthew Arnold, whose 1867 poem inspired this musing  . . .

The World is torn to blight.

The News is bad, Kyiv is torn

with bombs of Putin’s putsch and scorn.

Peace is pierced while Ukraine people stand

resolute and steadfast in their demand.

Turn your eyes online to witness

how missiles sling Vlad’s deathly business!

How quickly Euro peace is blasted

after so long a time it has lasted!

Hear the bombs blast on moon-blanched land.

Tragedy! you hear that Putinian death command

of missiles which the Russians load up and fling

on Lviv and Kyiv such death to sting.

The returning scourge of War they bring.


Matthew Arnold long ago

heard their rumblings on the Dover Beach; 

it broke upon his mind

as the turbid ebb and flow

of human misery, but now we discern

its mournful crash as Putin’s treachery.


The Net of Faith,

so long cast out from  the shores of Rus in Time;

now is torn upon a sickle of iniquity

As now I only hear

Vlad’s fiery vile destroying

the reverent strains of  Orthodoxy

as the Tyrant strives to

blast his way to hell

dragging Russia in his wake

while Ukraine quakes.


Ah, Friends, help us to be true

to our Faith, for the world, which seems

to flicker through us in a Web of dreams,

so fragile, mezmerizing, yet so new, 

has neither truth, nor love, nor light,

nor certitude, and now we have no peace.

Yeah, we are here on a Dnieper bank,

threatened by a Russian tank, 

while Putin's armies attack what’s right.

Glass half-Full 

Friday, February 25, 2022

Putin's Identity Crisis

 If you read Putin’s speech, delivered a few days ago before he assaulted the people of Ukraine, you may surmise that he sees himself as a deliverer upholding what Russia traditionally stood for in past centuries. . . up until the damn Bolsheviks took control.

His severe criticism of the Bolsheviks seems to be sincere. Putin sees himself as an historical deliverer who will deliver the (entire) Russian world from the curse of Bolshevism and then redirect the path of Rus spirituality back to the Orthodox church. 

In his mind, strategically, he's a 21st-century Peter the Great. At the moment, however, he's Ivan the Terrible.

This is, in fact, a delusion of grandeur, which will ultimately be destroyed, whether by his own people or by Free Europe, which, by the way, has its own existential crisis like Romulus and Remus fighting in the womb of a mother wolf, or. . . going further back, Esau and Jacob.

Almost two centuries ago, a Frenchman who had a genius for military strategy came along and revolutionized the entire European way of life, redirecting it from royal authoritarianism to Enlightenment republicanism. Napoleon rescued the Jacobin revolutionaries from their own destruction. Subsequently, the French followed him down the path of "Enlightened" militarism until Napoleon met his Waterloo. 

And although Napoleon was a Frenchman, Putin, it seems, sees in Napoleon’s militarizing precedent his own identity as the strongman who will deliver Russia from Bolshevism back to its Orthodox roots. 

But someone needs to explain to Vlad that military conquest is not the appropriate way to honor the legacy of the founder of Christianity, the Prince of Peace. That's Middle Ages stuff of fantasy.

I’ll volunteer to instruct him. Send me a ticket to Moscow.

These deep identity motives within Vladimir are probably more important to him than the trivia of mere rubles, euros, dollars and political sense. 

Oh, and then there’s the gas and oil thing, the pipeline etc. Sure, that’s a factor, as we’re living in the real world.

The big question is: which border line (literally) is his ultimate goal?

Is it the line between Ukraine and, say, Poland? Or is it the line that Winston Churchill identified in a Missouri speech, the line of the "iron curtain?” which represents the high-water mark of Russian expansionism in Europe.

Whichever line it is, the Europeans will have to contend against him to maintain their own blood and soil, and Euro identity.

Are the Europeans up to the task? Maybe, maybe not. But one thing is for sure, just like the three previous continent-wide struggles of the 20th-century (I, II, and the Coldwar) the Europeans will need our help and our leadership.

Why is that? the reason is mainly geographical. America has the very large advantage of an ocean to the west, an ocean to the east, and friendly neighbors north and southward.

And that's where America, and our President (like him or not) Joe Biden come in. 

As the Originator of the Free World, we must do our duty, sir.

As President Kennedy challenged the Soviets when he visited Berlin in 1963 . . .

“ There are many people in the world who really don't understand, or say they don't, what is the great issue between the free world and the Communist world.. . . Let them come to Berlin.”

To put it more plainly . . . let them come to witness the hard truth that communism requires a wall to keep the people inside of it.

Twenty-four years later, President Reagan further challenged the Soviets with an imperative challenge. 

“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

I do think that Putin actually did get the memo about the failure of Trotsky/Lenin/Stalin communism.

But in his zeal, Vlad has over-reacted; he has overstepped the bounds of acceptable statesmanship.

 So Joe Biden is saying, appropriately, Reagan-like: Mr. Putin, get out of Ukraine.


To correct Putin’s aggressive blunder, our Congress and our Allies will have to decide where we draw the line against Russia, and then enforce it.

My humble opinion is that we should draw the line between West Ukraine and the East, Donbas. Then let the people of East Ukraine decide to whom they owe their allegiance. That way, if the East people choose an allegiance to Russia, the Russians have their warm water port, their traditional naval launch point, and what may turn out to be a Russian-identifying majority. 

Likewise, let the Ukrainians of the West decide their own destiny. But they have already done that, n’est-ce que pas?However, this decision is one that is not easily manifested as long as Vlad the Mad and his forces are occupying Ukraine. The Russians should withdraw.

Yeah, right.

The problem with that is deep-seated in Russian identity, which goes all the way back to 988 a.d. when King Vladimir of the Rus people, whose royal house was  in Kyiv, gave his heart to the Lord and thereby led those ancient Rus people into Christianity, the Greek Orthodox version.

I’m hoping that Vlad will allow the Ukrainians to make their own decision. But that’s a long shot, not looking very likely at this point. If they decide to be Ukrainians and not Russians, the Russians will have to mentally transplant their spiritual roots from tenth-century Rus to present day Petrograd.

Petrograd, or St. Petersburg in English, is named for, presumably, St. Peter, who, long ago, trod the paths of this earth with Jesus. Or maybe the capital city was named for Peter the Great of Russia. Maybe both, what a coincidence.

Let the Russians decide who is, in their history, more important, Peter the Apostle, Peter the Great, or Vlad the Mad?

Or maybe they wanna go back to Josef Stalin? God forbid.

But let the Ukrainians decide their own identity.

And let the people of Donbas decide which identity they prefer.

And, God willing, let Vladimir Putin honor their decision. 

Yeah, I know. Good luck with that.  I’m just a frustrated baby boomer who has benefited greatly through seventy years in the land of the free, home of the brave, having a starry-eyed TV-looking glass way of viewing the world.  

God bless America. And God bless Ukraine, if they can bring it up to His standards. God’s standards, that is, not Putin’s.


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

beast creeps blues

 Born in 1951, I've seen it all, from Huntley-Brinkley to Walter Cronkite to Harry Reasoner to Eric Severeid , Paul Harvey to Johnny Carson to Merv Griffin to Sam?! Ervin to . . . all that mishmash that happened in the '80's, 90's, Ted Koppel, Geraldo Rivera . . . then came the polarizing ages, Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Hilaary dillery dock while the mouse ran up the clock . . . out the door to smartphone skullduggery mob-logic thuggery and so on and so on what else is new and what's it to you anyway?!

So Twitter and Facebook destroyed it all! Good riddance? Oh now I get it. Now I see where this is going!

I mean, just sayin' the TwitnFkbook knocked it all down a peg or two on the pecking order of modern consciousness. 140 blips per brainwave then 240 bottles of fear in the wall take one down pass it around 250 bottles of fear in the wall.

As for investigative journalism, that function is performed now by Congressional committees, with their cheering squad at WaPo.

But hey that WaPo is still making a gallant efffort to fulfill its ongoing Woodward and Bernstein mission of saving Washington from itself and saving America from insurrectioning Republicans, of which GrandOleParty I used to be one.

Meanwhile NYT keeps plugging along, decade after decade with all the news thats fit to print while the rest of the world uses print for fish-wrap or nostalgic fix for us ole boomers who still remember having lunch in a diner while reading the Chicago Tribune, LA Times, Boston Globe, Atlanta Constitution as the world slowly gravitated to Huffington moments in Starbux wifi with morning coffee until all the javas became overpriced dessert treats accompanied by Apple grappling, Microsoft liftoff and then it came tumbling down to the handheld devolution swiped in by tweety mobs from SteveJobs, leaving Woz as a fading memory in a silicon dream . . .

NPR went solid left-center while Fox went whacko right and humpin' trump taught flyover-country goodoleboys how to be badass upstarts as public discourse gets tossed out to the landfill with all the plastic fantastic detritus while flackjacket whackos assault the steps of .gov by/of/for the people but hey my country tis of thee sweet land of liberty, of thee I weep while them multifarious multitudes of handheld devices instantaneously swipe away  the home of the brave while honest Abe turns over in his grave.

The detritus of civilization gets dumped out to yonder landfill while the beast creeps toward Donbas and yeah i say unto thee Dontrump shreds right-flight white america in his hand; America strives desperately to tape the shreds back together that told us where we been where we are where the hell we goin meanwhile back at the Blacksea  Vlad the Mad  carelessly and o so wrecklessly flips the big trip-switch for doctor strangelove to launch that infamous long-awaited midnight ride yeehaw slide down obscene ord'nance  he'll glide.

I'll under my desktop hide.

Now I'll lay me down to sleep, while my guitar it gently weeps.


King of Soul

Monday, February 14, 2022

The YesButs of '22

The Russians tried to take Afghanistan.

Yes but they screwed it up.

We tried to liberate Afghanistan.

Yes but we screwed it up.


We tried to help liberate them from the Taliban.

Yes but Joe Biden screwed it up.

We tried for twenty years.

Yes but it was Biden’s fault.

The President said  that everyone who wanted to leave has now gotten out.

Yes but everybody’s saying Biden screwed it up.

No, not everybody’s saying that.

Yes but Biden won’t admit it’s all his fault.

Biden’s administration is still continuing to evacuate Americans, since the military option ended.

Yes but that’s no excuse.

Our people managed to extract 124,000 people before the official operation ended at midnight on August 31.

Yes but Biden messed it up.

An admiral said that our first priority was, during the withdrawal, to get our people out of there first, then to get lawful permanent residents out, then Afghans who had helped us for 20 years.

Yes but Biden screwed it up.

Former President Trump had said he was going to get us out of there.

Yes but Biden screwed it up.

President Biden accomplished what Trump had said needed to be done.

Yes but he screwed up.

President Biden said: 

“Look, there’s no good time to get out; but if we had not gotten out . . . we would have had to put a hell of a lot more troops back in. . .2,000, or 4,000. . . We would have had to significantly increase the number of troops, and then you’re back in this war of attrition.”

Yes but he should have done it without screwing up.

Easy for you to say. What are you, an armchair quarterback?

The Rams won the SuperBowl.

Whatevah. There's trouble in this world. Do you know that the Russians are trying to take Ukraine?

Yes but Biden will screw that one up too.

You mean Biden will screw up the Russians’ plans. I hope so.

Yes but. . . because Biden screws everything up. 

President Biden has been a public servant since 1972 when he was elected to Congress. He has had an inside view of our foreign policy for fifty years. He knows what goes on in Washington.

Yes but that's why he's a DeepState swamp rat.

Have you no respect for experienced lawmakers?

Yes but Biden's a sleazeball.

Don’t you know that Trump tried to steal the 2020 election?

Yes but Biden screwed it up.

Yes indeed. President Biden did, with a little help from our friends, stop Trump’s plot to steal the election.

Yes but that's only because Pence screwed up. . .

Vice President Pence did the right thing for this nation.

Yes but this  country is going all to hell and its all Joe Biden’s fault.

Do you comprehend that, as we speak, Vladimir Putin is trying to take Ukraine?

Yes but Biden is screwing that up too.

No.  President Biden is, with a little help from our NATO friends, indeed, screwing up Putin’s attempt to take Ukraine.

Yes but they’ll probably screw that up too like they did in Afghanistan.

Putin is throwing a monkey wrench into world peace. 

Yes, but Biden and NATO will screw it up.

Let’s hope so. Let’s hope that President Biden can, along with Macron and Scholz, screw up Putin’s putsch into Ukraine.

Yes but—

 Not only that, but the Biden administration is still continuing to assist our people who want to get out Afghanistan, even since the military option ended.

Yes but—

That’s what our President said.

Yes but I don’t like Biden, never have.

Maybe you should find another country to “but” into. Perhaps Afghanistan? Maybe you can teach the Taliban a lesson or two.

Yes but, uh, I'm like . . . um

Glass half-Full 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Tale of the Whale

 We were, in recent days, rummaging in some webby ole bookstore, when we did chance upon that ancient Melville tome that told the lengthy tale of Moby Dick, infamous White Whale of American literary legend. . . whereupon we opened the yellowed pages and out fell a scrappy remnant of some recent reader’s revision of the tale.

Revisiting chapter 36, or so it seems, we perchance upon a scribbled note alluding to a side-story, perchance some backstory or fore-story, in which some sore-story is 'counted fore, to whit:

“Captain Trumbab, I have hear’d of JoeBy Dick—was it not JoeBy Dick that took off thy leg?”

“Who told thee that?” cried Trumbab; then pausing, “Aye, Starduck,  it was JoeBy Dick that dismissed me—JoeBy Dick that brought me to this downed trump-rump I rant on now.” “Aye, aye”, he shouted with a trumpy loud, bully snort, like that of a vote-sniicken RINO. Aye, aye! It was the accursed White Won that razeed me! . . . made a poor ranting loser of me, forever and a day!”

Then tossing both arms, with careless proclamations, he shouted out:

“Aye, aye! and I’ll chase him ‘round the Florida Cape, and ‘round the Horn, yea!  round the Mar-a-Largstrom . . . even round perdition’s flames, before I give up. And this is what ye have signed up for, lackies! to chase that White Won on both sides of the Capitol, ’til he spouts Demo blood and the deplor'bles spin our way. What say ye, goons, will ye find me some votes now? I think ye do look beholden to me.

“Aye, aye” shouted the toadies and the lackies, running closer to their rantilating rumpster.


“ Keep a sharp eye, mateys, for the White Demogorgon; we'll yet launch a sharp shaft for the Sleepity Joeby Dick! We'll roust him and the dreaded Kam'la down a'fore ye can say shiver me Capitol timbers!

Glass Chimera

Monday, February 7, 2022

Counting Themselves Out

 Joe Biden and Mike Pence rescued us from destruction!

And John Lennon agreed!

In 2017, (then) Vice President Joe Biden supervised the Constitutionally-mandated Congressional Electoral count in which he effectively removed himself from being Vice President.

Similarly . . 

In 2021, (then) Vice President Mike Pence supervised the Constitutionally-mandated Congressional Electoral count in which he effectively removed himself from being Vice President.

So we notice that . . . in both cases, a Vice President of these United States was literally counting himself out of a job!

Joe Biden’s and Mike Pence’s noble willingness to count themselves out of a highly privileged leadership position resonates with the  earlier declaration of . . . of all people!, John Lennon!

In 1968, John Lennon sang, quite nobly, the Beatles’ song, Revolution in which he declared:

“But when you talk about destruction, don’t you know that you can count me out!”

So we take notice of the fact that Joe Biden, Mike Pence and John Lennon were all in agreement, insofar as they did not want to involve themselves in destruction.

In Lennon’s case, he was insisting that he did not want to participate in destructive Mao-type revolution, even though we all knew that he was the bad-boy Beatle.

In Biden’s case, and in Pence’s case, they did not want to participate in the destruction of our American Rule of Law and its Constitutionally prescribed sequence for selecting President and Vice President, even though they themselves were being knocked down a notch or two on the pecking order of public office.

Who’d have thunk it?!


Joe Biden, Mike Pence and John Lennon on the same wavelength to rescue the world from Destruction!

God save the Dream!

Glass half-Full

Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Difference between Biden and Trump

 The proof of competency is in the Pronouncements.

Many Americans have been wondering, since last year. . . just what it means to have a functional Chief Executive. 

Yesterday, Feb5, 2022, our advantage in having a President who can speak plainly and effectively, to define what this nation stands for, was clearly demonstrated. 

Explaining and defending our historic role in this modernizing world, President Joseph Biden declared, clearly and boldly, just who we Americans are and what we intend to do to keep this world safe for democracy and to support our Allies around the world.

In his address to our State Department, President Biden declared, early on:

“. . . we must start with diplomacy rooted in America’s most cherished democratic values: defending freedom, championing opportunity, upholding universal rights, respecting the rule of law, and treating every person with dignity.”

I hope you can take some time to follow this link and read, in its entirety, what our President said to Secretary Blinkin and those diplomats and workers who represent our interests around the world:

Please allow me to add a personal note. If you choose to read Joe’s message, notice  his careful  use of our English language to speak convincingly to our people and the world at large.

That clarity—that carefully constructed message—demonstrates the difference between President Biden and the loser of 2020, whose shoot-from-the-hip, wildly improvised blather almost jerked this nation into a  trench of treasonous insurrection.

I am relieved that we got rid of an Oval office occupant who regards  himself and other leaders as bully kings brandishing their assets on a world video game.

In this world, in this economy, clarity and constructive dialogue are still important.  Thanks to our Congress, and especially to our former Vice President—who did the right thing— the mantle of leadership of these United States was lawfully and dutifully passed from the ranting narcissist to the experienced statesman, whom we now have in the Oval office.

There are some contentious politicians and self-important talking heads who have been striving to destroy Joe Biden’s leadership. Those troublemakers love to remind the President's enemies that our President once had to face—and work diligently—to overcome a very slight stutter.

So what? The proof is in the pronouncements. Handicaps are to be overcome.

A few generations ago we had a President who, from his seat in a wheelchair, supplied and defended our Allies, while we collectively drove the damn nazis and hero-worsippers back into their holes.

 Now, Joe’s clearly defined Feb4 message—including his willingness to employ the counsel and factual reinforcement of his competent staff—is testimony of not only his diligence to define our national goals, but also his persistent emphasis on communication.


We can see clearly that, day by day, President Joe Biden is, slowly but surely, restoring the dignity of the office of the Presidency of our United States of America. 

See the link above to be inspired and motivated, once again, to be an American.

BTW and FYI, I opine here as a still-registered Republican. Respect is not confined within party identities.

Glass half-Full

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Searching our Stardust

 In the history of our unfolding Universe, many and many massive stars have burnt with intensifying elemental reactions. Each star goes through stages of alternating energy and matter recombinations as it grows larger and larger.

Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2 is a mathematical representation of the ongoing nuclear reaction that drives all components of our universe back and forth between alternating states of matter and energy.

In each star’s life development, a point comes in which the star’s resident energy overwhelms its ironizing solid core.  

Iron atoms in the star’s core are pushing back against the the force of gravity.

Dr. Murphy explains. . .


 how each massive star reaches a point of such incredible potential energy that the entire star itself explodes to become what we call a supernova.

Now that we have Hubble telescopes, we can see these supernovae when they happen out in the far regions of the universe.

Dr. Murphy explains:

“. . . when these stars explode, the majority of the mass of the star is blown out into space. All the elements that were made during the life of that star are spread back out into space . . .

The last time the elements that ultimately became your body/ my body were in a star-forming region, your/my atoms were in a disk of dust surrounding the star. As gravity clunked those little pieces of dust together they made little rocks. The rocks eventually fused together to make asteroids, which ultimately clumped together to make planets. The last time that your atoms and mine were in a star-forming region, they ended up, not in the star, but in the third planet from the sun, our Earth.

 The atoms in our bodies were forged in stars billions of years ago. 


That’s why Carl Sagan came along, half a century ago, to say that we are “stardust.”

Songster Joni came along and romanticized the stardust notion when she sprinkled it into her song about Yasgir’s field at Woodstock and those souls who had gathered there to celebrate life.

“We are stardust; we are golden, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.” 

But going back further in time, we find that Moses, first contributor to the NewEarthTimes original best-seller, explained how the bigbang Initiator fashioned that elemental dust into human form. It happened, curiously enough, in a garden.

In that well-known composition that we know as Genesis, we find Moses explaining how that stardust, having settled into a garden on our planet, then was fashioned into us.

 “Then the Lord God formed man of  dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being.”

Many millennia later, in the historical hebrew hypertext account of our origins, we are told of three wise men, Magi, a trio of our original scientists who were searching the sky in order to learn a thing or two. They saw a peculiarly bright star, perhaps a supernova. Conducting an experimental journey, they followed that certain star, which brought them to, lo and behold, a most amazing discovery. Their next question was:

 “Where is he who has been born King of the Jews? for we have seen his Star in the East. . .”

And so these dustlings, along with certain curious shepherds,  sought the Star from which they and we had come.


And the rest is history. Selah.

Glass half-Full