Mactrumpth , a play by Willy Shakespurs
Scene I. A Capitol place. Shouting and Rioting
First Magahag: When will we meet again, in rebellion, rioting and rant?
Second Magahag: When the hurlyburly’s done. When the election’s lost and won.
Third Magahag: That will be ere the casting of of the votes.
First Magahag: Oh, where the Place?
Second Magahag: Within yon House and Senate Chambers.
Third Magahag: There to promote Mactrumpth.
First Magahag: Yonder cometh Banonquo!
Second Witch: Aye, anon, and Stonerugger calls.
Third Witch: And Eastmun, no doubt.
All: Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the maga air!
Scene II. A field near Ellipse
Thunder. Enter the three Magahags.
First Magahag: Where art thou bound, Two%er?
Second Magahag: To conspire with yon Prouddudes.
First Magahag: And thou?
Third Magahag: Aye, like a rat without a tail, I’ll do, I’ll do, I’ll do until yon OathBeepers tweet.

Enter Mactrumphth and Banonquo
Mactrumpth: So foul and fair a day I have not seen. Yet, anon, t’will be Wild!
Banonquo: How foul and fair indeed! Yet what are these magas so wild and heil’d in their attire? Surely they are Mads, for their oath doth keep them in their ire, likely until Burn’um wood doth move against Congress’game.
Mactrumpth: Come, if thou can, ’t’will be wild!
First Magahag: All hail, Mactrumpth! Hail thee, King of Mactrumpth Tower!
Second Witch: All hail, Mactrumph! Hail thee, King of MoraLogo!
Third Magahag: All hail, Mactrumph, who shall be Prez hereafter!
All: Mactrumpth and Banonquo, all hail!
Mactrumpth: Stay, you rabid tweaters, tell me more: By hook or crook I know I am King of MoroLogo, and now of Ovalhovel. (aside to the cameras) Say, from whence ye maga-wizards in the cloud do come; Say! as you raise so perfectly this convenient Electoral disruption! As if I didn’t know! Behold thy smoke, in witch I espy yon gallows, prepared, no doubt, for Burn’um would to move against yon Bydun game!
Witches disappear in a cloud of insurrection.
(To be continued)
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