The people of the British dominions were talking expectantly about the coronation of their new king.
On May 12, 1937, the archbishop of Canterbury placed a crown on the head of a young prince. In that act, the Church of England, a religious authority much stronger and older than any one man, proclaimed George VI the anointed King of Great Britain and its dominions. After the disruptive abdication of former King Edward, the restoration of British royal authority into the hands of a willing sovereign was a welcome relief for the English people. And all was once again well in the realms of the British empire, or so it seemed.
Couple years later, and all hell was breaking loose; the world was falling apart. Britain was fighting for its life to prevent Hitler and his crew of thugs from taking over. The Teutonic madman had usurped governmental authority from the whimpering sovereign of Hohenzollern of Germany,and was running roughshod over civilization, bent on conquering Europe and probably the world if he'd had half a chance.
King George VI of England ultimately had to lean on the common sense and fortitude of his vigorous people, their army, the RAF, and Winston Churchill's fierce resolve to prevail against the heathen horde that had sought to subdue them.
It was quite a severe burden to bear for a young king with a stutter. But King George managed, by God's grace. to pull it off. Cheerio!
The picture you see above is brought to you electronically. I scanned it from a yellowed, dog-eared original copy of the Coronation issue of the Times of London, published May 20, 1937. I purchased the old newspaper from a friend last fall. Later this week, I will show you more of that paper's contents, pertaining to the pre-war world that confronted King George on that fateful day of his anointing.
Glass half-Full
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