Saturday, November 21, 2015

Here come da sword to separate

When our rebellious 20th-century soul

slit its wrist with a broken existentialist bowl,

our severed spirit was cast out to wander

in a rational world cut a-sunder.

Then while the brotherhood of man

was striving to put us together again

along came the jihadi with sharpened sword

moving swift, like a terrorist horde,

calling for righteousness, the Muslimic version,

and it brought forth a jihadi incursion.

Now Western decadence and license is no defense,

even if our license permits us to sit on the fence,

against the marauding jihadi whose scimitar is red

with so much collateral blood being shed.

The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword,

and while battalions of man-made righteousness move toward

a world that's torn up with terror and strife,

I'm still staking my claim on eternal life,

Christian version,

with a Spirit incursion.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it;

'cause Jesus' resurrection is more convincing than anyone else can do it.

My faith will outlive any worldly disgrace

that could possibly o'ertake us as we run this race.

Glass half-Full

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