Thursday, December 31, 2015

What's a year anyway?

What's in a year anyway?

a revolution to some better day?

A year by any other name would smell as sweet

as any minute on this NewYear street.

Earth zips 'round the sun one more time;

every minute some fool commits a crime.

This planet never gets to the center of things;

it's all bound up in orbital strings.

Mother earth spins, burning

as Father sky is yearning.

Buds come, flowers grow,

blooms die, seeds go

to the ground: 0

World goes round.

What else is new?

And what will we do

when east meets west

and worst trumps best?

So what's in a year anyway?

A week, a month, a moment, a day?

A year by any other name would smell as sweet

as any minute on this NewYear street.

Alas! What light from yonder window breaks?

It is the east; the world awaits.

Another year, another fear!

An older man sheds a younger tear.

Cry, thou beloved world!

Fly, here's another year unfurled;

mayhem runs rampant in the streets:

while terror o'ertakes, reason retreats!

Is there any hope for all this mess?

Could be, would be my guess.

But we might as well,

you know--what the hell--

try and catch the wind,

lest the best gets crucified again.

Rise, rise above it all!

Glass half-Full

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