Wednesday, November 23, 2016

supremacist, really?

I got in the car to drive home from work. Radio was on. Juan Gonzalez was interviewing Jeremy Scahill on Democracy Now. Jeremy was speaking about a political thing that is reportedly happening in our country now, a movement of misguided zealots who are striving to impose on the rest of us some so-called "Christian supremacist agenda."

But this Christian says, I beg to differ; consider this:

Here is a picture of the man who established the Christian religion:

Does this person look like a "supremacist"?

This pic, taken from a very old painting, is an artist's rendering of the man who long ago said:

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
This is the man who, when two of his disciples wanted to call down a firestorm of judgement on people who had rejected them, denied them permission to impose such a vengeful retaliation, and then explained, ". . . (I) did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them."

This is the man who, on the night of his arrest, who would not allow his right-hand man to wield a sword to resist their arrest.

Does such a strategy sound like the beginning of a "supremacist" uprising?

I do believe Mr. Scahill has confused us Christians with some other group, a group whose identity is not rooted in the One who was willing to give his life for me and for all the rest of us.

Mr. Scahill is referring, I believe, to those honky whites who think they own the place. They need to read the gospels instead of whatever white supremacist webstuff they've gotten a hold of. And they need to quit emulating the jihadi supremacists who want to impose a caliphate on us dhimmi-witted Christians.

As for you, Juan and Jeremy, just keep on doing what you're doing, if that's what floats your boat. But please, try to get your nomenclature correct next time you go reporting on us who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ.

Glass half-Full

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