Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Demo QuidPro v GOP Quo

The  gentleman
was referring to the meeting of the 23rd
at least that's what I think I heard


He said she said thus and such
at then the other said just as much
on such and such a day we know
but it does not constitute the quid pro quo 
Just answer yes or no:
Thusandsuch was provided for soandso
but it doesn't amount to a quid pro quo,
yet the majority puts on its impeachment show
while minority says no no no
still aint no quid pro quo.
The gentleman will please--
I don't know I don't know
The gentleman is out of order
was that your memory of the--
The gentleman is badgering the witness
and was that the same meeting where
--no sir that was on the meeting of the 16th
 so are you agreeing with mister soandso's--
Just answer yes or no
I am not prepared to--
It was not at the meeting of the 23rd.
The gentleman's time is up.
The gentleman will please—
Let me finish sir
the gentleman is badgering the witness
the gentleman can’t get a word in edgewise
point of order
that’s not a point of order; that's a procedural--
The gentleman's time is up.
The chair wishes to recognize the gentleman from--
point of order sir
let me finish
but the majority members have an agenda
is it quid pro quo or no?
This is what we need to know

But the record  does not show--
I do not know sir. The chair wishes to recognize--
point of order sir
no no that’s not what the president said
is my memory of it.
 The gentleman will please--
Oh but the gentleman is badgering the witness.
oh no but he told him no 
on the phone you know
that's what  the metadata show
It all depends on how far you want to go
with this hyped-up committee  show,
media  display of public futility
with impressive legal facility

But where  shoulda been judicial governance
 we see rabid rhetorical comeuppance
as ship of state gets beached in procedural mire
surely John and Jane Doe will  tire
as  congressional spellbinding winds higher
they'll bluster til the cows come home
til quid pro quo is committee’dly shown
while donkey detailers go on braying
elephants in the room are disobeying.

Meanwhile the documents pile and pile.
This could go on for awhile.
That Trump's a loose cannon we all remember.
Let the American people decide in November.

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