about that COVID we dread;
world biz-trade is balking
so we won’t end up dead.
Scientists snip at the micro pathogen
to concoct an effective vaccine
while we elude the awful contagion,
keeping hands and our noses clean.
To assure us the required social distance,
the system skids to a dam near-stop,
though trumpian troupes make insistence
biznez as usual shall not flop.
Let’s just slip through this quick and easy-like
while congress cooks up a free lunch;
we’ll quarantine inconvenience; we’ll sanitize hype;
cuz elixir’s gone viral in politicized punch.
Hey! if you find comfort in that congressional dole
I’ve got some covid-cure I’ll sell ya!
Let’s just slip through this corona going-viral hole.
But how it happens I truly can’t tell ya.
Our rich uncle Mitch and his significant other,
rich uncle Sam sham of flim-flam fame—
they’ll send us a check from our long-gone mother
financed with Fed-Trez lame ponzi game.
Now we dance to a red-ink tune of 23 trillion
cuz we’d rather be red than dead.
But hey! not to worry cuz its video godzillion;
If the beast gets too big they’ll chop off his head!
Glass Chimera
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