Monday, February 14, 2022

The YesButs of '22

The Russians tried to take Afghanistan.

Yes but they screwed it up.

We tried to liberate Afghanistan.

Yes but we screwed it up.


We tried to help liberate them from the Taliban.

Yes but Joe Biden screwed it up.

We tried for twenty years.

Yes but it was Biden’s fault.

The President said  that everyone who wanted to leave has now gotten out.

Yes but everybody’s saying Biden screwed it up.

No, not everybody’s saying that.

Yes but Biden won’t admit it’s all his fault.

Biden’s administration is still continuing to evacuate Americans, since the military option ended.

Yes but that’s no excuse.

Our people managed to extract 124,000 people before the official operation ended at midnight on August 31.

Yes but Biden messed it up.

An admiral said that our first priority was, during the withdrawal, to get our people out of there first, then to get lawful permanent residents out, then Afghans who had helped us for 20 years.

Yes but Biden screwed it up.

Former President Trump had said he was going to get us out of there.

Yes but Biden screwed it up.

President Biden accomplished what Trump had said needed to be done.

Yes but he screwed up.

President Biden said: 

“Look, there’s no good time to get out; but if we had not gotten out . . . we would have had to put a hell of a lot more troops back in. . .2,000, or 4,000. . . We would have had to significantly increase the number of troops, and then you’re back in this war of attrition.”

Yes but he should have done it without screwing up.

Easy for you to say. What are you, an armchair quarterback?

The Rams won the SuperBowl.

Whatevah. There's trouble in this world. Do you know that the Russians are trying to take Ukraine?

Yes but Biden will screw that one up too.

You mean Biden will screw up the Russians’ plans. I hope so.

Yes but. . . because Biden screws everything up. 

President Biden has been a public servant since 1972 when he was elected to Congress. He has had an inside view of our foreign policy for fifty years. He knows what goes on in Washington.

Yes but that's why he's a DeepState swamp rat.

Have you no respect for experienced lawmakers?

Yes but Biden's a sleazeball.

Don’t you know that Trump tried to steal the 2020 election?

Yes but Biden screwed it up.

Yes indeed. President Biden did, with a little help from our friends, stop Trump’s plot to steal the election.

Yes but that's only because Pence screwed up. . .

Vice President Pence did the right thing for this nation.

Yes but this  country is going all to hell and its all Joe Biden’s fault.

Do you comprehend that, as we speak, Vladimir Putin is trying to take Ukraine?

Yes but Biden is screwing that up too.

No.  President Biden is, with a little help from our NATO friends, indeed, screwing up Putin’s attempt to take Ukraine.

Yes but they’ll probably screw that up too like they did in Afghanistan.

Putin is throwing a monkey wrench into world peace. 

Yes, but Biden and NATO will screw it up.

Let’s hope so. Let’s hope that President Biden can, along with Macron and Scholz, screw up Putin’s putsch into Ukraine.

Yes but—

 Not only that, but the Biden administration is still continuing to assist our people who want to get out Afghanistan, even since the military option ended.

Yes but—

That’s what our President said.

Yes but I don’t like Biden, never have.

Maybe you should find another country to “but” into. Perhaps Afghanistan? Maybe you can teach the Taliban a lesson or two.

Yes but, uh, I'm like . . . um

Glass half-Full 

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