Sunday, December 4, 2022

Sacred @ Secular

 I am of the tribe of Christ; but we inhabit a secular world.

The standards of propriety and practice are different in those two realms. 

As Christians, we are challenged by our Lord to inhabit both.

During the Christmas season, this duality is more obvious than at other times. 

For instance, in the Faith world we have specific standards and practice in the realm of marriage and intimacy.


Our standard for marriage is represented in this Christmas ornament: Man, Woman and Child. 

The standards are different in secular society. We are challenged by laws of the land to respect the marital and intimate practices of citizens who do not share our definitions . . . even as we celebrate, within our own congregations, the faithful sacrament of marriage between one man and one woman. 

An Apostle of the earliest Christians exhorted us, in his letter to the Romans:

“If possible, so far as it is depends on you, be at peace with all men.”

Peace on earth and good will to everybody!

I consider his exhortation as wisdom that allows me to tolerate the practice of worldly people who do not share my faith and standards  of behavior.

But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Please do not interfere. 

In our  narrow pathway through this world, we preach and teach to encourage Christian families in a covenant that is represented in the historical event that is represented in my pic above. . . man, woman and child. 

But I also understand that not all citizens in my country will agree with me on these points. But hey . . . Live and let live. You go your way and I'll go mine.

Meanwhile back at the tranche . . . having written that, I will exercise our freedom of speech, and freedom of the e-press, by adding this little political note:

In this dual season of yuletide which overlaps a political run-off election in Georgia, I would express this opinion: As a citizen of North Carolina, I cannot vote in Georgia, but I have noticed that the Rev. Raphael Warnock is well-equipped  in managing, appropriately, his Christian ministerial vocation at Ebenezer . . . along with representing, equitably, the people of Georgia in the US Senate. So if you live in Georgia, vote for the Rev on Tuesday. Whatever state you live in, comprehend that all fifty senators serve Us the People with their wisdom, good sense and high standards (we hope) of morality.

In my opinion, a Christian pastor--such as Rev Raphael-- is quite well-equipped, and likely to serve us with honesty and integrity, although he may not blast through a defensive line like the other candidate. God bless you, too, Herschel, but find something else to do. Just now, we have too much offense in our politics.

May we all have happy holidays and--if you're into it-- a Merry Christmas!

King of Soul

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