Monday, May 8, 2023

The Cross and the Crown

 Many and many a year ago in a kingdom across the sea

My King was raised with  thorny crown on a cross at Calvary.

His miracle resurrecting life changed our course of history.

Then many and many a year went by until nine-seventy-three AD,

when Edgar was anointed king by Archbishop’s ceremony. 

Many and many a king was crowned through English history;


Right up to now with Charles’ anointing in twenty-twenty-three.

Now I’m a yank in America; we don’t comprehend the monarchy.

I do see that Charles’ is crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

So there’s some connection there with the King at Calvary.


Now the world still turns by God’s redemptive authority.

But I wonder if King Charles will take his anointing seriously.

Or is his high position now just a power move for royal authority?

Now as many and many a year pass by in that kingdom on the sea,

May God save King Charles and establish his authority,

as Charles himself doth take seriously Our Lord’s divinity.

Charles III


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