Monday, July 18, 2016

Maybe Leaning

To the left, leaning

to the right, tending

to the left, dreaming

to the right, pretending

Look around, look around

what do you see

watch this city, see that town

things not the same as used to be.

Leaning, leaning, out of balance

in the city, throughout the town

as electrons in atomic valance

sooner or later they shall go down

Ride on wheels

make some deals

move and move

but what does it prove

How can we know

what will happen next;

seems it's all just for show.

we gotta go, to and fro.

Perhaps keep it going;

maybe keep it steady,

whether knowing, or not knowing--

just be ready.

Whatever comes

standing strong or falling lame,

acting smart, feeling dumb,

change will always be our game.

Like it or not,

just the way it is

hold what you got

sometimes hit, sometimes miss.

Glass half-Full

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