Sunday, August 14, 2022

Never Again!

 So. . . sitting in a Boston café

I had a thought about KAFÁ:

Keep America Free Again

because I had just seen a message

about men who died long ago:


To whit:

To the men of Boston

who died for their country

on land and sea in the war

which kept the union whole

destroyed slavery

and maintained the Constitution.

The grateful city

has built this monument

that their example may speak

to coming generations.


So, as mentioned in those last two lines,

their example did indeed speak

to my generation

and to me.

It reminded me of a very old song

that the slaves used to sing

which I included

in King of Soul,

my fourth novel,

to whit:

Oh, Freedom, Oh, Freedom,

Oh, Freedom over me.

And before I’ll be a slave

I’ll be buried in my grave

And go home to my Lord and be free.


So, it is known now that

the prayer of 19th-century slaves

was answered

when the men of Boston

and other men of our USA

went down south

where I come from

and put an end to slavery.

Keep America Free Again.

Never Forget.


King of Soul

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