Saturday, October 22, 2022

A Day in the Strife

 I have been struggling with this new song. Borrowing the Lennon tune from Sgt. Pepper's Day in the Life, I composed a message to our nation, to our people and to the world, describing and lamenting what happened to our Capitol, our Representatives and Senators, and to our very Nation on January 6, 2021. 

Here's the written message: 

I heard the news about Old Glory

Fifty stars dragged down into the mire

A crowd of rebels in our Capitol

They cast our Congress to oblivion

I saw the video.


They blew their mind out in a riot

They wouldn’t notice that the nation changed.

A crowd of people watched online.

They’d seen that dread spirit long before, in 1864.

Nobody was really sure of what was happening.


Our nation’s  soul was up for grabs.

The joker brandishing his tyranny

Casting spells of spoken alchemy

Tossing tales of woken enmity.


He’d spouted words stand back stand by

They stormed the Dome with rebel cry.

They trashed and dashed our hallowed hall

They wouldn’t read the writing on the wall


He blew their minds out with a lie

They raised the zombie rebel cry

A freaked-out nation sat and stared

They’d seen that face before, back in 1864.

Nobody was really sure what the hell was happening.

His curse was marching on.


You can listen to my current version here: 

A Day in the Strife

Glass half-Full

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