Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4 '24

         with a nod to WB Yeats . . .

Spinning and spinning in the widening web

The spiders cannot seize their prey;

The nation falls apart; the Constitution cannot hold;

civil war raises his magazombie rumble.

The rage-raised tide rises, and everywhere

  this ceremony of Independence Day is dimmed.

The best lack common sense, while the worst

  are full of insurrection intensity.

Don’t tell me some revolution is in the cards;

A second civil war’s not in our yards.

Civil War! hardly are those words out 

when a dreaded sound of Sumter shots

troubles my mind; somewhere in the silence of Gettysburg

a shape with stars and bars and carnage’d fields

a rage as ragged as stars ’n stripes are torn

is cranking up its maga madness, snorting insurrection

while talking heads strive to stem the raging tide.

The darkness slithers in, but now I know

that a century and a half of stony sleep 

are vexed to nightmare by a mocking maga

and what rough beast, its hour come round at last

slouches toward Sumter to be reborn?

Glass half-Full

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