Friday, February 28, 2025
The Root and the Rock
It takes all kinds to make a world.
It started with the Root and the Rock.
The Root said to the the Rock: Look! I can make a Tree!
The Rock, gazing up skyward, had a look at the tree, and he said:
Well that’s nice; “I suppose you’re gettin’ up in the world. . . but, uh. . . what the heck is that?”
The Root said, “that. . . what?
The Rock said, “that big lump hangin’ off of your trunk.”
The Root said, “oh, that. that’s just a spot where some alien immigrant tried to break into my territory.”
The Rock said, “alien?”
The Root said, “it’s just some, uh, visitor who stopped by to make a home in my little crack.”
Rhe Rock said, “oh, and that’s. . . okay with you, that he just decides to hang out in your territory? I mean, it’s like, kinda weird, don’t you think?”
The Root said, “nah, man. whatever floats your tote; live and let live.”
The Rock said, “Oh . . . but don’t you need to, like, develop something to improve the world, make it a better place?” Don’t let some immigrants come in and screw it up for you.”
The Root said, “like what? what do you have in mind?”
The Rock said,” well, uh, like. . . like these homo sapiens came along and dug up some of my stuff, and they processed it and made it into a steel and glass creation. have a look at this; pretty impressive huh!”
The Root said, “uh, yeah; that’s nice. but what’s all that colory stuff in the foreground? It looks a little bit like what some of my kinfolk like to do.”
The Rock said. “uh, I don’t know; its just stuff that some human merchant put together, just like because, those humans don’t have anything better to do than make stuff up.”
The Root said, “uh. . . but, I mean, I think it’s pretty nice what they did. i mean, it’ colorful and all.”
The Rock said, “yeah, well, whatever floats your boat. I never have figured those homo sapiens out.”
The Root said, “I haven’t either, I mean they do some nice stuff every now and then.”
The Rock said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But you better watch out for them. They’ll have this whole world set up in contrived stuff if you don’t watch out.”
The Root said, “Yeah, some of those humans don’t have anything better than to do than sit around on a friday afternoon and make up stupid stories about us.”
The Rock said, “Yeah, we’ll have to keep an eye on ’em. They’ll have this whole world turned around before you can say licketty split.
The Root said, “ Yeah, I heard some of them were piddlin’ around with the E=mc squared thing. I hope they can’t make that go full blast.”
The Rock said, “If they do, we’ll have to shut ’em down before all hell brakes loose; I got some cousins who could fall pretty hard on ‘em.”
The Root said, “ Oh, not to worry; they’ll just make mushrooms out of molehills.”
The Rock said, “I’ll have to keep an eye on them; if they get too far along with that fission f****up stuff I’ll just have to gather up some of my klan and fall down on them.”
The Root said, “ Oh, shucks, Yeah,keep an eye on it. If that happens, I’ll have to start all over again.
The Rock said, “ Ugh, yeah, we’ll try to make it hard on ’em so they don’t f**** up.
The Root said, “Keep me posted. I’m gonna take a nap. Let me know if anything happens.”
The Rock said, “Not a problem. If anything serious happens, I’ll let ya know about it.”
The Root said, “ Thanks. I know I can depend on you.”
And they both lived happily ever after, or at least we hope so.
Glass Chimera
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