Monday, June 30, 2014
Tenacity! Determination. Stubborness?
Perseverance. persistence, defiance?
Longevity, longsuffering, loneliness?
chutzpah, gumption! isolation?
Lost Cause?
Glass half-Full
tree growing on rock
Sunday, June 29, 2014
The Interface of Light and Matter in Costa Rica
In my freshman philosophy class, Dr. Henderson used the word "anthropomorphic" to describe Man's tendency to form a notion of God into his own human image. That is to say, we make God out to be human, or like a human, because that's all we know.
After 44 years later of pondering this and living the wonderful life God hath provided, I prefer the Torahic approach to conceiving what God is like. Torah, or Genesis, says God made Man in His own image. God was expressing himself when created all things, including humans. If we see human characteristics in his handiwork, it's because God intended for us to see that he was expressing himself through creation, just like we do.
God is an artist, like me.
Those artistic tendencies that he developed within me are what enable me to appreciate the Artist that He is.
Here is an example:
Nice work, n'est ce pa? I like this better than, say, Mondrian, Pollock or Warhol. And it's almost as interesting as Wyeth or Monet.
Here's another, with a little more background, like DaVinci adding background to Mona's portrait:

Sometimes, God takes his brush and turns it downward with a little perpendicular slash, like Van Gogh:
Other times, God uses his electromagnetic energy to separate Light from Dark, like he did in the Beginning:
Every now and then, we see a microcosmic image that resembles a larger microcosm. Here's one that reminds me of an airplane view I got once, over Utah, or maybe it was Nevada.
Another good thing about the Original Artist: He like to use his critters to help make the work interesting. Here's one where the sand critters do their thing:
Pretty interesting, n'est ce pas? That's enough for today's gallery. Time for dinner. I think Pat's throwing a salad together with celery or broccoli, maybe parsley. (wacplnts)
But listen! What Victorious hailing rings from yon beach bar? It is celebration! Costa Rica has defeated Greece in World Cup soccer! That "V" in picture above takes on a new meaning here in Costa Rica. Viva Costa Rica!
Glass Chimera
After 44 years later of pondering this and living the wonderful life God hath provided, I prefer the Torahic approach to conceiving what God is like. Torah, or Genesis, says God made Man in His own image. God was expressing himself when created all things, including humans. If we see human characteristics in his handiwork, it's because God intended for us to see that he was expressing himself through creation, just like we do.
God is an artist, like me.
Those artistic tendencies that he developed within me are what enable me to appreciate the Artist that He is.
Here is an example:

Nice work, n'est ce pa? I like this better than, say, Mondrian, Pollock or Warhol. And it's almost as interesting as Wyeth or Monet.
Here's another, with a little more background, like DaVinci adding background to Mona's portrait:

Sometimes, God takes his brush and turns it downward with a little perpendicular slash, like Van Gogh:
Other times, God uses his electromagnetic energy to separate Light from Dark, like he did in the Beginning:
Every now and then, we see a microcosmic image that resembles a larger microcosm. Here's one that reminds me of an airplane view I got once, over Utah, or maybe it was Nevada.
Another good thing about the Original Artist: He like to use his critters to help make the work interesting. Here's one where the sand critters do their thing:
Pretty interesting, n'est ce pas? That's enough for today's gallery. Time for dinner. I think Pat's throwing a salad together with celery or broccoli, maybe parsley. (wacplnts)
But listen! What Victorious hailing rings from yon beach bar? It is celebration! Costa Rica has defeated Greece in World Cup soccer! That "V" in picture above takes on a new meaning here in Costa Rica. Viva Costa Rica!
Glass Chimera
Saturday, June 28, 2014
the Defender of the Faith
What's this!
What bellicose shell?
What Defender of the Molluskan realm?
What Challenger from Sands and Seas?
What El Toro wielding horns to gore yon matador?
What defensive reflex hath raised such pointy provocation?
What genetic arsenal from the clammy Deep hath constructed such antlerian Defense?
Why, the Defender of Life Itself, the Great I Am, the One Who IS--
The One who wrote the Code.
He defends his own!
Stand aside, all ye challengers of the Faith!
Glass Chimera
Defender of Faith,
genetic code,
the Great I Am,
the One Who Is,
Writer of the Code
Friday, June 27, 2014
A Strand of Providence
One of my favorite things to do in this life is visiting the sea strand. The beach. While growing up in Louisiana and Mississippi, our family had many excursions with fond memories to the Gulf Coast at Mississippi and Florida.
After graduation from LSU in 1973, I took a job in Florida and moved to St. Petersburg.
In my year-and-a half stay there I spent many days and hours at the beach, becoming intimately familiar with that setting--that expression of nature's wonders.
Through many hours of studying the interaction of tidal water and surf-sand, I noticed a few things about the cycles of our life existence.
In the forty years since that Florida time I have visited many beaches throughout the world, from Calabash to Rockaway to Dover and Calais, from Hawaii to China, from Tel Aviv to Cayman to California and Carolina. I love experiencing beaches. Doesn't everyone?
Today is our first morning in Costa Rica. We got into Liberia airport, then drove to Tamarindo, on the Pacific. So of course I got up early and walked a few hundred yards to the beach. Perfect beach: wide, flat, smooth with very pacific waves, arranged in a classic half-moon arc with nearby low mountains in the distance. Clear morning, not yet hot.
As has happened on may beaches before, the first thing I notice while approaching the surf is that cycle of dark and light bands of sand at the water's edge, where the waves roll in gently and do their artwork in the sand. My favorite beach characteristic to notice and contemplate.
I consider these waves, their perpetual rearrangement of the sand grains, and it takes me back to the time when I first began to notice this universal cycle, back in St. Petersburg. A meditation on nature to revisit. I think I'll linger for awhile.
Being a civilized animal, I prefer to sit in a chair while thinking. So I go back to the condo and get one.
A few minutes later I am sitting in the chair at the water's edge, considering the ocean, the sand, the wave motions and their visual record of rearranging dark and light bands of sand, the cycles they indicate or perhaps represent, the universe, God, and ignorant armies clashing by night and Dover Beach and all that stuff.
I think the first level of such thought/meditation is analytical. Is that natural to me as a man, or is it an acquired habit? just something I was taught to do in school? I don't know. Put that layer of analysis back in a file somewhere in my head and wait for the deeper, experiential level. I am looking at the Pacific beach, which is right in front of me now.
Wait a minute. What about all the stuff of my life that came before?
Now I am a Christian, have been since 1979, or maybe even before that when I was raised Catholic. So, to base my analyses and judgements about life, its consequences, priorities and outcomes, etc on an ancient Revelation, the Bible, the church--what is that? How does that affect any objective analysis I may attempt? Well, sure it does.
Hey, It's what I am. I was born into a specific place and time, with all the cultural baggage thereof.But let's not get too analytical. By grounding my judgements on my own experience as well as ancient Revelation that was handed down to me through the ages, I am utilizing the best of both worlds-- the experience of those prophets of old, primarily Jesus himself, as well as my own experience.
Now, back to the here and now. Over here in the sand, dark bands are alternating with light. There is some kind of cycle going on here, some kind of process. Been going on a long time, seems to be universal. Seeing that cycle of sand bands with my eyes is objective. Relating them to other life cycles is subjective. Can I do otherwise? No matter what theses, hypotheses, or conclusions I come to, I am a subjective man, and I will make use, in this life, of both the objective truth that is really out there, the cumulative wisdom of other men/women, and my subjective experience and evaluation of it. I'm going for the best of them all. Do I have any other choice? My options are limited.
To be human means to understand that our options are limited, so we would do well to make the best of them. Rather than dwelling on what we don't understand, consider and act upon what we do find to be true and workable.
By the way, and I didn't tell you this before. Yesterday, I experienced the worst pain I have ever had in my life. This was no small thing for me, although in the big picture it is insignificant. It's over now. That's the main thing. But the pain experience has produced an aftermath.
How did this pain happen? I had had a bout with walking pneumonia or something like it before we left North Carolina. My head was all stopped up with mucous or sinus fluid or whatever that stuff is that's stuck in your head when you've got a cold. While were in the plane descending to Costa Rica, I had the most terrible half-hour of pain in my life, because I had not done the cold medications effectively.
Now this is getting pretty dam subjective, talking about pain and my health condition, like the 62-year-old-geezer that I have become. I hate it, don't want to go that route. I'm not stuck in the wheelchair at the nursing home yet. So fuhgedaboudit.
But I do have to say something about all that physical health report stuff, because there is a lesson in it.
So I'm sitting here on the strand with my old thoughts about the universality of the surf and sand, and my right ear is still clogged with that stuff from yesterday's struggle against walking pneumonia. I've been trying for days now to get rid of that mucous.
I tilt my head to the right. Something--a liquid--shifts inside my head, and suddenly I can hear more clearly.
Thanks be to God!
Maybe you think that crediting God for such deliverance from pain is a naive assumption. Who cares? It's my life, my ear, pain. I will deal with it. I am not only going to thank God for this little relief that came in the tilting of a head,in the blinking of an eye, but I am going to use my God-given hands to begin to solve the problem.
What will happen if I gently put my little finger in my ear and manipulate that ear canal ever-so-slightly while my head is tilted? Could such intervention, perhaps, release some of the fluid from the ear and thus alleviate some pain? I'll try it.
I do it.
It works! Clogged ear now clearer than it was.
Praise be to God. Thank you Jesus!
Pretty subjective response, I know--this burst of grateful praise, but I'll gratefully accept the little strand of divine deliverance, even though I was the one who administered it.
Now, as for conclusions and evaluations about this insignificant event while contemplating sand, waves and the universe:
The cycle of pain and absence of pain--it comes; it goes. When the pain comes, it's hell on earth, but when it's gone--Thank you, God. A man's gotta roll with the tide. I'll take it. Not bad for a Friday morning.
Glass half-Full
After graduation from LSU in 1973, I took a job in Florida and moved to St. Petersburg.
In my year-and-a half stay there I spent many days and hours at the beach, becoming intimately familiar with that setting--that expression of nature's wonders.
Through many hours of studying the interaction of tidal water and surf-sand, I noticed a few things about the cycles of our life existence.
In the forty years since that Florida time I have visited many beaches throughout the world, from Calabash to Rockaway to Dover and Calais, from Hawaii to China, from Tel Aviv to Cayman to California and Carolina. I love experiencing beaches. Doesn't everyone?
Today is our first morning in Costa Rica. We got into Liberia airport, then drove to Tamarindo, on the Pacific. So of course I got up early and walked a few hundred yards to the beach. Perfect beach: wide, flat, smooth with very pacific waves, arranged in a classic half-moon arc with nearby low mountains in the distance. Clear morning, not yet hot.
As has happened on may beaches before, the first thing I notice while approaching the surf is that cycle of dark and light bands of sand at the water's edge, where the waves roll in gently and do their artwork in the sand. My favorite beach characteristic to notice and contemplate.
I consider these waves, their perpetual rearrangement of the sand grains, and it takes me back to the time when I first began to notice this universal cycle, back in St. Petersburg. A meditation on nature to revisit. I think I'll linger for awhile.
Being a civilized animal, I prefer to sit in a chair while thinking. So I go back to the condo and get one.
A few minutes later I am sitting in the chair at the water's edge, considering the ocean, the sand, the wave motions and their visual record of rearranging dark and light bands of sand, the cycles they indicate or perhaps represent, the universe, God, and ignorant armies clashing by night and Dover Beach and all that stuff.
I think the first level of such thought/meditation is analytical. Is that natural to me as a man, or is it an acquired habit? just something I was taught to do in school? I don't know. Put that layer of analysis back in a file somewhere in my head and wait for the deeper, experiential level. I am looking at the Pacific beach, which is right in front of me now.
Wait a minute. What about all the stuff of my life that came before?
Now I am a Christian, have been since 1979, or maybe even before that when I was raised Catholic. So, to base my analyses and judgements about life, its consequences, priorities and outcomes, etc on an ancient Revelation, the Bible, the church--what is that? How does that affect any objective analysis I may attempt? Well, sure it does.
Hey, It's what I am. I was born into a specific place and time, with all the cultural baggage thereof.But let's not get too analytical. By grounding my judgements on my own experience as well as ancient Revelation that was handed down to me through the ages, I am utilizing the best of both worlds-- the experience of those prophets of old, primarily Jesus himself, as well as my own experience.
Now, back to the here and now. Over here in the sand, dark bands are alternating with light. There is some kind of cycle going on here, some kind of process. Been going on a long time, seems to be universal. Seeing that cycle of sand bands with my eyes is objective. Relating them to other life cycles is subjective. Can I do otherwise? No matter what theses, hypotheses, or conclusions I come to, I am a subjective man, and I will make use, in this life, of both the objective truth that is really out there, the cumulative wisdom of other men/women, and my subjective experience and evaluation of it. I'm going for the best of them all. Do I have any other choice? My options are limited.
To be human means to understand that our options are limited, so we would do well to make the best of them. Rather than dwelling on what we don't understand, consider and act upon what we do find to be true and workable.
By the way, and I didn't tell you this before. Yesterday, I experienced the worst pain I have ever had in my life. This was no small thing for me, although in the big picture it is insignificant. It's over now. That's the main thing. But the pain experience has produced an aftermath.
How did this pain happen? I had had a bout with walking pneumonia or something like it before we left North Carolina. My head was all stopped up with mucous or sinus fluid or whatever that stuff is that's stuck in your head when you've got a cold. While were in the plane descending to Costa Rica, I had the most terrible half-hour of pain in my life, because I had not done the cold medications effectively.
Now this is getting pretty dam subjective, talking about pain and my health condition, like the 62-year-old-geezer that I have become. I hate it, don't want to go that route. I'm not stuck in the wheelchair at the nursing home yet. So fuhgedaboudit.
But I do have to say something about all that physical health report stuff, because there is a lesson in it.
So I'm sitting here on the strand with my old thoughts about the universality of the surf and sand, and my right ear is still clogged with that stuff from yesterday's struggle against walking pneumonia. I've been trying for days now to get rid of that mucous.
I tilt my head to the right. Something--a liquid--shifts inside my head, and suddenly I can hear more clearly.
Thanks be to God!
Maybe you think that crediting God for such deliverance from pain is a naive assumption. Who cares? It's my life, my ear, pain. I will deal with it. I am not only going to thank God for this little relief that came in the tilting of a head,in the blinking of an eye, but I am going to use my God-given hands to begin to solve the problem.
What will happen if I gently put my little finger in my ear and manipulate that ear canal ever-so-slightly while my head is tilted? Could such intervention, perhaps, release some of the fluid from the ear and thus alleviate some pain? I'll try it.
I do it.
It works! Clogged ear now clearer than it was.
Praise be to God. Thank you Jesus!
Pretty subjective response, I know--this burst of grateful praise, but I'll gratefully accept the little strand of divine deliverance, even though I was the one who administered it.
Now, as for conclusions and evaluations about this insignificant event while contemplating sand, waves and the universe:
The cycle of pain and absence of pain--it comes; it goes. When the pain comes, it's hell on earth, but when it's gone--Thank you, God. A man's gotta roll with the tide. I'll take it. Not bad for a Friday morning.
Glass half-Full
Costa Rica,
Saturday, June 21, 2014
I say
America moved, I say, back in the day.
She just came bustin' out from the East.
She came rolling in on wheels, gliding through ship-tossed spray.
She was blowing past some old dearth, yearning some new feast.
We heard her skimming' o'er Erie, Michigan, and along the deep blue sky,
plucking plunder low, grabbing gusto high.
And when the dust had settled,
after Illinois mud had dried,
when ore'd been changed to metal,
while papa sweated and mama cried,
the new was born; the old had died.
Where dreamers come and workers go,
't'was there arose:
Born of rivers and the Lake,
she was cast in iron, forged in steel,
bolted fast as rails n' timbers quake,
careening then on some big steely Wheel
making here a whippersnappin' deal,
and there a factory, a pump, a field,
o'er swamp and stump and prairie
tending farm and flock and dairy
in blood and sweat and rust
through boom and blust and bust.
They carved out block, laid brick and stone;
our groundwork for America Midwest they honed
with blade and trowel and and pick and shovel.
They swung hammers through dust as thick as trouble.
They dug a canal there that changed
the whole dam world; they arranged
to have goods shipped in, and products go.
Reminds me of Sandburg, and Michelangelo.
Many a man put meat on the table;
many a woman toiled, skillful and able.
Thousands of sites got developed, selected,
while many a factory got planned and erected.
Many a Chicagoan had a good run,
caught lots of ball games, had a whole lotta fun,
while working, playing, praying and such
with friends and families, keeping in touch.
In all that we do, the plans we make,
there's forever more going down than we think is at stake.
When people wear out, they sit around and play cards.
When widgets wear out, we pile them in scrap yards.
If we're lucky, or resourceful, or blessed,
we'll end up with a little something at the end of our test,
a hole in the wall, or a piece of the pie,
maybe a nice little place, by n' by.
While Democrats convened in Chicago in '68,
antiwar protesters got stopped at the gate.
Mayor Daley sent his men out to poke 'em in the slammer.
'T'was Chicago style justice: no sickle, just hammer.
Today in downtown, Chicago Mayor Daley's name is all over the place,
though about those radical protesters you'll find not a trace.
So what does that tell ya about Chicago, or America, today?
We're like the Cubs' in the Series; that's all that I'll say.
Glass half-Full
America moved, I say, back in the day.
She just came bustin' out from the East.
She came rolling in on wheels, gliding through ship-tossed spray.
She was blowing past some old dearth, yearning some new feast.
We heard her skimming' o'er Erie, Michigan, and along the deep blue sky,
plucking plunder low, grabbing gusto high.
And when the dust had settled,
after Illinois mud had dried,
when ore'd been changed to metal,
while papa sweated and mama cried,
the new was born; the old had died.
Where dreamers come and workers go,
't'was there arose:
Born of rivers and the Lake,
she was cast in iron, forged in steel,
bolted fast as rails n' timbers quake,
careening then on some big steely Wheel
making here a whippersnappin' deal,
and there a factory, a pump, a field,
o'er swamp and stump and prairie
tending farm and flock and dairy
in blood and sweat and rust
through boom and blust and bust.
They carved out block, laid brick and stone;
our groundwork for America Midwest they honed
with blade and trowel and and pick and shovel.
They swung hammers through dust as thick as trouble.
They dug a canal there that changed
the whole dam world; they arranged
to have goods shipped in, and products go.
Reminds me of Sandburg, and Michelangelo.
Many a man put meat on the table;
many a woman toiled, skillful and able.
Thousands of sites got developed, selected,
while many a factory got planned and erected.
Many a Chicagoan had a good run,
caught lots of ball games, had a whole lotta fun,
while working, playing, praying and such
with friends and families, keeping in touch.
In all that we do, the plans we make,
there's forever more going down than we think is at stake.
When people wear out, they sit around and play cards.
When widgets wear out, we pile them in scrap yards.
If we're lucky, or resourceful, or blessed,
we'll end up with a little something at the end of our test,
a hole in the wall, or a piece of the pie,
maybe a nice little place, by n' by.
While Democrats convened in Chicago in '68,
antiwar protesters got stopped at the gate.
Mayor Daley sent his men out to poke 'em in the slammer.
'T'was Chicago style justice: no sickle, just hammer.
Today in downtown, Chicago Mayor Daley's name is all over the place,
though about those radical protesters you'll find not a trace.
So what does that tell ya about Chicago, or America, today?
We're like the Cubs' in the Series; that's all that I'll say.
Glass half-Full
American history,
city life,
Mayor Daley,
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