Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Mystery of Mastery

Are you angry? Why? , , , and why is your attitude down?
If you do well, won’t your attitude be lifted?  But if you don’t do well, despair is crouching at your door.
But you must master it.
Choose discouragement, or improvement. Which will it be?
You have freedom to choose, you know.
Learn how to use that freedom. Master it.

Life brings good things to us, but life also throws some bad stuff at us along the way.
When life is a walk in the park . . . well, that’s great. Enjoy it. Make the best of it. From that favorable circumstance, move forward by taking measures to strengthen the stability that comes from that advantage.
But when the bad stuff again plops itself down in your garden path, what then? What you gonna do about it?
Don’t let it get you down. Although failure is lurking in your path, overcome it. Defeat defeat. Take mastery over discouragement.

Understand and accept that Life is going to drum up a certain amount of setbacks. Trouble comes with the territory in this life.
But you must master it.
Choose to master life; it will take awhile, maybe a whole lifetime.
We do have this choice, you know.
The ability to choose our own attitude, and thus set our own course—this is what we call freedom.
Freedom—you must master it.
We are free to choose where we go from here.
You are free to choose which way you will turn when that inevitable obstacle suddenly blocks your road to wherever it is you are going.
When the big one hits and throws you into a tailspin, will you wallow in your own discouragement?

Or will you master it?
Life itself was created for you, with this choice built into it.
But there is a good purpose for that challenge.
Having that choice is called freedom. Make use of the freedom. Master it.
Sometimes freedom is a pain in the ass, but Life would be a drag without it.
While you’re out there discovering life, you will surely run into some counter-productive influences . . . for instance, the idea of determinism.

Determinism is when some person or group wants to convince you that the obstacles in your path will surely defeat you, because the System is stacked against you.
The current strategy of the Determinism crowd says, for instance, Capitalism is against you . . . it cannot work for you.
But hey! . . . not if you master it. Take hold of any good opportunity to move forward.
Capitalism is what you—or perhaps your great great grandparents— entered into when they stepped off the boat, into America. Capitalism, with all its perils and pitfalls, is part of the territory here.
Master it.


You  can put capitalism to work for you, instead of against you.
The Determinism idea says that capitalism is nothing more than all those rich people and corporation manipulators who are perpetually stacking the deck against you.
But hey, that’s only a part of what capitalism is. Along with those unfavorable elements, capitalism includes also your freedom to choose something different, if what you presently are doing is not working for you and yours.
You must master it. That's your end of the deal.

In America, you would do well to master capitalism. Make it work for you. Work?
Work—yes, that’s important. Capitalism doesn’t properly function without it: work.
Can’t find work?
Make your own work. Find something to do. Find something that needs to be done and do it. Present your bill to whomever is benefitted by your work. Even if you’re collecting unemployment or disability benefits or whatever, find something helpful to do. You'll find yourself feeling better.
While the System is, yes Virginia, in some ways stacked against you, do not accept the negative assessment that there is no way around the obstacles.
Obstacles are standing outside your door. You must master them.
Obstructions are just around the bend. Master them.
If you don’t master them, who will?
Big Brother? The Fairy Queen?

Capitalism includes  your freedom to adjust your own attitude, and strategy, to get around, over or under whatever the System throws at you.
Master it. Learn when to work with it and, when to work against it.
It is true that working with the System is not always the best thing to do.
So this is also true: sometimes you will indeed have to work against the System, running against the wind, swimming against the tide.
That does not mean you allow the mob to convince you that the system is hopeless and the only way around it is to stir up trouble and destroy the System. There has, in the history of the world, always been them Powers that Be working against them that need to carve a new way out of the wilderness.

Knowing at any given time whether to work with the system or against it—this is called Wisdom.
You must master it. You must learn to use wisdom; cultivate it.
Wisdom is key to mastery in this life, but it doesn’t come easy.
Wisdom only comes through encountering both adversity and success.
So understand that adversity is part of the program for your obtaining mastery.
When you are at the crossroads of adversity and success, don’t cultivate discouragement; don’t malinger in bad attitude.
And don’t be hoodooed by  that Determinism that's out there and wants to incite the rabble to riot. Don't go there.

Determinism is when some person or group convinces you that the obstacles in your path will surely defeat you, because the System is stacked against you.
Determinism says the outcome of your life has already been determined by an exploitive Capitalist System. 
Determinism wants to convince you that you cannot muster the power to master your own destiny.
Determinism says, for instance,  you’re not making enough money to make a living, and you never will.
It is true, yes,  that  making more money could improve your situation.
But that’s not the whole enchilada.
Master the money thing: when you get some, make it work for you; don’t fritter it away. Put your money to work. Don’t let the Determinism crowd convince you that it’s all about money. Life is not all about money.

Life is all about what you do with life.
Determinism also  says you cannot improve yourself through discipline and study, and work.
Determinism says the only way you can outwit the system is to yield to the trending decadence and anarchy that perpetually wants to destabilize you and everybody else.
But don’t let it take control of you. Take control of it.
Master it.
Master life, and you will do well.
Don’t raise cain. Instead, make yourself able.
Learn to make some sacrifices.
And thank God.

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