To be or not to be, that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in our elections to allow
the slings and arrows of unscrupulous meddling,
Or to speak testimony against a pack of Lies,
and by opposing end them!
These two followed not what trumpian corruption did demand;
but instead they did stand their ground
to do the right thing
For Truth and Honesty.
For election Integrity!
They knew not what course other public servants may take,
but as for these and other patriots like them, they did say:
Give us Honesty instead Lies!
Thus sayeth Rusty Bowers and Shaye Moss!
Ring the bell of Liberty; Sing the Anthem of Integrity!
Hi, Carey. Larry Piltz here. Remember me? We were roommates your last LSU semester in the little duplex on Highland Road. Very glad you kept playing music all these years. I like your new verse to the national anthem. Impressed you have four novels to your name. Most impressed and happy for your 41 years of marriage with your Pat. Congratulations on a well-lived life and keeping your ideals intact! If you want to be in touch now and then, I'm at larry.piltz at gmail. Best wishes to you now and always. P.S. I can still remember you playing guitar and your wire-rim glasses and longish hair. Also how happy you were to receive a good job offer upon graduation.