Thursday, April 20, 2023

Ballad of Brett v Blasey

 When Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was being nominated, there was a Senate Judiciary hearing in which our Senators were considering the nomination. The testimony of a former acquaintance, Blasey Ford, was controversial.  Senatorial strivings within the committee were a source of public concern and no small amusement to any of us who were hearing bizarre media reports.

So I wrote a song about it. Here are the first two verses:

Lindsey and Mitchey were gettn kinda itchy

just to leave  Judiciary hearings behind.

Chuck with his committee, workin’ toward a ditty

trying to get Brett’s nomination on time.

On committee fence Jeff Flake sat

‘cause victims’ rantings knocked him flat.

Lindsey and Mitchey still a-pushin’ forward

in the Senate, you know where that’s at

and no one’s getting Tweet ‘xept Blasey Ford


Lindsey said to Grassley we need to go fastly

just to push this nomination on through (let’s go fast)

But Flake said to Grassley, we just cant pass it

until we truly know what to do.

On committe fence Jeff Flake sat

‘cause elevator tirades knocked him flat.

Lindsey and Mitchey still a pushin’ forward

in the Senate, you know where that’s at

and no one’s getting Tweet ‘xept Blasey Ford.

 To hear my down-home recording of the entire song, follow this link to my website:

                    Ballad of Brett v Blasey      

Brett v Blasey

  Glass half-Full 

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