Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Shutout at the Jan6 Corral

“There must be some way back into here” said the trumpster to the thief, whilst sitting in his oval hovel, whining and dining, pretending to be a Winner. But truth be told, now according to the People of the United States he was no winner, but rather. . . a loser, not what he presumed himself to be, no, no winner at all. . . but rather no more than a mere sinner. . . a loser who had been told by the people of the United States, “You’re Fired.” So now he had appointed himself to be the Chief Insurrectionist. Back in the day . . . on the jersey shore, it was . . . constructing tall towers high up into the sky, having them erected to a certain lofty point . . . and then stiffing the contractors, perfecting the fine art of having an ace up his sleeve, and a tangled web to weave as then he had purposed to deceive. But now, January 6, fateful day, the great game robbery, wherein the trumpster had drawn his Chance card. And it said, Go to hell, go directly to Losers’ hell. Do not pass go Do not collect even two dollars. Yet there he sat at the the pinnacle of power, sitting in the oval, commanding his minions of huliaani, while sidney hung towels out to dry in the beaten by ’n by, cuz the devil went down to Georgia looking for some votes to steal; but he couldn’t find any so he played his desperate wild card, except it didn’t do the trick—they couldn’t make the charges stick, so he ended up calling the peach state guv, with a desperado angling cast for 11,780 fishy wishes. Oh, but lamentable day. . . t’was all sound and fury signifying nothing, so he rounded up his proud toys and his oathweepers and this three deceptors and he sicced them onto the Dome. He sent ‘em into the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. . . yessirree, he did, he cut ‘em loose at the rotunda to bust glass with a 2x4
and to make thunder under the Rotunda and to the desecrate the sacred halls and to profanitize the walls and to fall upon the House ushers with putrid fountains of profanities while firing up the ire of the Vanities, until, in the unsweetened by ’n by, one man put a stop to it. One man, driven down into the depths of Capitol subterranean sub-State blue, said. . . wait for it! “I’m not getting in that car!” Even as Daniel of old, back in Babylon had said to ole King Neb, “I’m not bowing down to that entitled idol, so had Hoosier Mike said to his lackeys, “I’m not getting in that car!”
And the rest is history. Glass half-Full

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