Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Baby Boomers' Labor Lament

Here’s a little ditty of a rhyme to be sung to the tune of . . .
a song from back in the days of Davy Crockett, Howdy Doody, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans . . .

Oh give me a loan
so I can buy a home
where our kids and their friends can play,
where seldom is heard
a contentious word
and the mortgage is paid before my dying day.

Oh give me a job
so I won’t have to rob
from  Pete to pay Paul,
and so I’ll pay no interest on the cards;
and never shall we fall
on  bad times at all,
And I won’t have to work too damn hard.
Oh give me job security
by the time I reach maturity
so our competence is not made obsolete,
and the skills we were taught
don’t get replaced by a bot;
and my dignity doesn’t just lapse in defeat.

Oh give me a timely upgrade
so my life’s work doesn't fade
on the trash heap of obsolescence.
Oh please let me try
to outsmart the AI,
so my time's not spent out in the dread convalescence.

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